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Nancy Cleman Ad.E. and Carla Maria Avelar will be the featured speakers at the webinar: "Update on Quebec Law - Charter of the French language and its effect on Trademarks, Product Packaging, Commercial Advertising and Public Signs"

December 10th 2024

On Tuesday, December 10th, Nancy Cleman Ad.E. and Carla Maria Avelar will be the featured speakers at the webinar: “Update on Quebec Law – Charter of the French language and its effect on Trademarks, Product Packaging, Commercial Advertising and Public Signs.” of the : “International and Foreign Law Committee “.

The Charter of the French language (“Charter”) was modified by An Act respecting French, the official and common language of Québec being assented on June 1st, 2022, resulting in substantial changes with respect to the enforcement of the Charter. French is labeled as being the official and common language of the province of Québec and the laws look to ensure that individuals and companies are served in French. Many changes regarding product packaging and commercial advertising have been in force since June 1st, 2022. The next key effective date is June 1st, 2025, at which time most modifications pertaining to trademarks will come into effect. The focus of this presentation is to provide an overview on the issues regarding trademarks, product packaging, commercial advertising and public signs.

This event is in english only.

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