Two attorneys from our firm, Harry H. Dikranian and Alexa Rahal, delivered the opening conference at the annual Association des estimateurs et des économistes de la construction du Québec (AEÉCQ) convention, which took place on May 23rd.
Entitled “Artificial Intelligence and Liability, a Delicate Balance”, their talk examined the legal framework governing artificial intelligence (AI). They provided examples taken from international authors and Canadian jurisprudence.
Recent developments in AI, while very promising, come with a certain level of risk. Our attorneys shed light on potential legal solutions by discussing the general principles of civil liability and its application in cases involving AI.
The speakers would like to thank Sophie Labrecque, articling student, for her valuable contributions.
This collaboration with the AEÉCQ follows a partnership established last February during the conference “Estimation et soumission formelle et recours en dommages ou injonction” given by Sarah Laplante Bazzi and Julien Grenier.