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Antoine Leduc presents a Quebec initiative on legal opinions in secured transactions at a CBA – Quebec Branch webinar

November 13, 2020


On November 16, Antoine Leduc will address the legal community at a webinar organized by the Canadian Bar Association, Quebec Branch. Joined by fellow practitioners, he will present an initiative to standardize the standard text of legal opinions required in secured finance transactions.

Drafting legal opinions on security devices, particularly with respect to the validity and opposability of hypothecs, is commonplace for professionals working in secured financing. During this webinar, the speakers will outline the project they developed as members of the ad hoc Montreal Opinion Working Group of the Business Law Section of CBA-Quebec.

They will review a preliminary version of this standardized text for the proposed legal opinions as well as the underlying comments currently being drafted. Their recommendations are based on observations regarding opinions on the creation and publication of hypothecs and the control of pecuniary creditors, securities and intermediated securities on financial assets.

To register, click here. Note that this webinar will be held in both French and English.