On July 15th, a team of students and articling students made their way to Santropol Roulant for the fourth year in a row in order to participate in a day of volunteering. The initiative was led by Valérie Giroux, who was supported by the firm’s recruitment committee.
The day’s work consisted of cooking hot and delicious meals meant for individuals experiencing a loss of autonomy and of delivering them on foot or by bicycle. Those who participated took great pleasure in creating the dishes and were more than happy to have lent their hands to Santropol Roulant.
A reminder that this organization was founded in 1995 by young people who chose to use food as a way to break down the social and economic isolation between generations and cultures, and to create bridges between them instead. The meals on wheels service is meant for people who cannot cook or provide food for themselves due to health issues. About 80% of the clients of this service consist of elderly people.